I would like to thank all of you who volunteered to work the WMFF Booth at the Springfield Sportsman Show in West Springfield last month. Your hard work and dedication to the club made our presents at the show a success.
As a Membership Reminder March 2025 is the time to renew your membership for the 2025-2026 season. For those of you that have not renewed please find the mail in renewal form with this meeting announcement. You can fill this form out and mail your renewal directly to me and I will mail your Membership Card to you. Or you can bring the completed form to the March EXPO meeting to renew in person.
Hope to see many of you at the EXPO
Our March 2025 Meeting will be our 2025 WMFF EXPO. For March Expo information please visit the WMFF web site at the WMFF’s website.
As we move into the new year, we have a number of Club events coming up in February and March. We have the Springfield Sportsman’s Show at the Big E in February and we will be in need of volunteers to representative the club, we will also be preparing for the WMFF EXPO and we will also need club member participation and volunteers.
We will conduct our February meeting at 7:00 pm right after the Fly-Tying Demo, at the Ludlow Elks Club, 69 Chapin Street in Ludlow MA.
Our guest speaker at our February meeting will be Reece McDowell. Reece runs the graphite department at T&T Fly Rods in Greenfield, MA. He also works at the Deerfield fly shop part time and has been fly fishing for close to a decade. Reece’s passion is fly fishing for Carp and his presentation will be Carp 101. He will be going over gear, habits, habitat, flies and everything to get started fly fishing for Carp.
Once again, we have been invited back to the Springfield Sportsman’s Show at the Big E, February 21, 22, and 23. We are in need of volunteers to man the booth at this event. You can tie fly’s or just be there to talk about fly fishing, fly-tying and the WMFF club. We want to have coverage all three days so please sign up to help. A sign- up sheet will be available at our meeting. Here is a link to this event http://www.osegsportsmens.com
As a reminder we are rapidly approaching the time to renew our individual 2026 membership. Renewals are due by the end of March 2025. Please note that attached to this meeting announcement you will find a Renew by Mail Form. Please follow the directions on the form to renew by mail or if you prefer to renew in person fill out the form and bring it to the next meeting. Dues are still $20.00. I will be available to renew your membership during the meeting.
If you have not filled out the club questioner yet, please do. The club is sending out this questionnaire to all members so we can get your input and ideas for making the club better, to find out from the membership what they think will enhance the club, what we are currently doing and what other programs you as members would like to see put into place. I will also be attaching a copy of the questionnaire to this announcement.
We will also be discussing preparation and planning for the 2025 WMFF March EXPO.
Thank you. – John D Lawor, Secretary WMFF
Fly Tying Demo:
Dan will be demonstrating how to tie the following fly’s at our meeting on Monday night before the scheduled meeting. (6:30). Thanks Dan
Little Black Stone Fly Dry
Hook – Standard dry size 16, 14
Thread – Black uni 8/0
Body – Black superfine dubbing
Wing – mallard primary slip sprayed with clear lacquer