Membership to Western Massachusetts Fly Fishermen is open to anyone who has an interest in the sport of fishing, fly fishing, and fly tying without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. Even though has “Fishermen” in it’s name, women and older teenagers are welcomed. Children may attend meetings provided they are accompanied by an adult.
Annual Membership/Membership Renewal per person is $20.00
Please complete the form below and either submit it to WMFF to initiate the membership process. Or, download the PDF application form using the embedded link or using the download button at the bottom of the page and send the completed document along with a check to the mailing address below. If you prefer, you may bring payment or payment and printed application to any regular club meeting.
Meetings are held September through May on the third Monday at 7:00 PM at the Ludlow Elks Lodge located at 69 Chapin St., Ludlow, MA 01056.
Make checks payable to Western Massachusetts Fly Fishermen
Mail check and/or completed form to:
J. Lawor C/O Western Massachusetts Fly Fisherman
7 Fox Hill Dr
Wilbraham MA 01095
Upon payment, you will receive your new membership card either in the mail or during your visit at the monthly meeting.
NOTE: Current memberships expire on March 31st of each year.
Download the application form: