7 Fox Hill Dr., Wilbraham, MA. Contact # 413-579-1994
I hope everyone had a great summer and enjoyed some great fishing during our break. It looks as though the virus is somewhat in our rear-view mirror, although some may want to adhere to past virus practices, masks, distance, sanitizer etc…
We will be conducting our September meeting at 7:00 pm right after the Fly-Tying Demo, at the Ludlow Elks Club, 69 Chapin Street in Ludlow MA.
September’s guest speaker will be Tom Panaccione
Tom will be sharing fly-fishing stories and personal experiences from his trip to Argentina. The presentation will include trip info, fishing techniques and the flies used. Questions during the presentation will be welcome. Please join me in welcoming and thanking Tom for taking the time to share his experiences.
It will be great to see everyone again and start a fantastic and fun after break season.
Fly Tying Demo:
Dan Trela will be demonstrating how to tie the following fly’s at our meeting on Monday night before the scheduled meeting.
Thanks Dan!