It’s April and the days are getting longer, however it doesn’t seem to be getting any warmer, the high water levels and strong currents in the rivers and streams have made it harder for early spring fishing. Hopefully soon we will be able to get out and wet a line.
We will conduct our April meeting at 7:00 pm right after the Fly-Tying Demo, at the Ludlow Elks Club, 69 Chapin Street in Ludlow MA.
April’s guest speaker will be Connor Quigley, rod designer and product development manager at Thomas and Thomas Fly Rods in Greenfield MA.
In his presentation, He will be covering rod design, rod selection, rod actions, line pairings, and local fly-fishing opportunities. It will be a 45-minute presentation, with ample time for discussion during and after the presentation. With multiple fishing seasons on the horizon, he will be covering rod selection for these fisheries, and provide explanations why rods are designed for certain applications. He will be bringing a few items to demonstrate concepts during the presentation, hoping you will all gain valuable information from his presentation.
Fly Tying Demo:
Dan Trela will be demonstrating how to tie the following fly’s at our meeting on Monday night before the scheduled meeting. (7:00)
Thanks Dan!

WOODUCK AND ORANGE Thread – Ultra thread 70D Fl. fire orange Hook – 2 XL nymph hook size 8 Body/Wing – Nat. wooduck Hackle – Orange |

FUZZY WUZZY SULFUR Hook – standard dry 16-18-20 Thread – yellow Danville 6/0 Wing – yellow CDC feather (trout hunter) Body – yellow CDC feather |

DAN’S BLACK FOAM PARACHUTE ANT Thread- 6/0 black uni Hook – 2 xl dry fly hook size 10 Wing – white calf tail Hackle – black dry fly quality Body – black foam 3 mm |