We are back! In fact, our first meeting of the fall season will be on Monday September 16th. I trust everyone had a fantastic summer and enjoyed some great fishing during our break.
We will be conducting our September meeting at 7:00 pm right after the Fly-Tying Demo, at the Ludlow Elks Lodge, 69 Chapin Street in Ludlow MA. The meeting is open to the public.
September’s guest speaker will be Jim Lagacy from MassWildlife Outreach & Education.
It will be great to see everyone again!
Fly Tying Demo: Dan Trela will be demonstrating how to tie the following fly’s at our meeting on Monday night before the scheduled meeting.
Hook – standard nymph size 14, 16
Bead – 5/64 Fl Fire Orange
Thread – light grey uni 8/0
Body – grey ostrich herl
Back – pearl mylar tinsel small
Hook – scud hook, size 16 to 26
Thread – Black
Bead – 1/16 nickel
Rib- silver wire
Hook- 2 xl nymph hook size 8, 10
Thread – 8/0 black uni
Bead – 5/32 Black tungsten nickel
Tail, feelers, legs – small round black rubber
Body – variegated chenille MED Black/Coffee